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Complaints Policy


​We aim to maintain high standards in all that we do but recognise that we can sometimes get things wrong, despite our best intentions.


Space to Talk  views a complaint as an opportunity, as well as a chance, to put things right for the person making the complaint, and to improve the services and activities that Space to Talk offers. We would not be able to do so or learn for the future if we did not receive feedback when things go wrong. Therefore we value and take seriously any feedback we receive.


​Generally, the purpose of this Complaints Procedure is to resolve disputes informally without resorting to formal investigation.  We will try to explore every reasonable option to resolve complaints by working with the person making the complaint to agree an outcome which is satisfactory to them and Space to Talk.


We will ensure that all information received and produced in connection with a complaint is treated as confidential and handled sensitively, that only those who need to know have access to that information, and that relevant data protection requirements are all met. 


The information below sets out our Complaints Procedure.


A ‘complaint’ in this Procedure means any expression of dissatisfaction in relation to Space to Talk that requires a response from Space to Talk. 

Where Complaints may come from

Complaints may come from users of Space to Talk services, clients, customers, beneficiaries, members, donors, fundraisers, supporters, members of the local community or any other person or organisation who has a legitimate interest in Space to Talk.

Complaints that cannot be dealt with under this Procedure

This Procedure is only for the above type of external complaint, not for complaints or grievances from staff or volunteers or officers of the company. 


Whilst complainants are generally entitled to receive responses to a complaint and to challenge any responses received from Space to Talk, it will not deal with complaints or challenges where in the reasonable opinion of  the Trustees of Space to Talk they amount to persistent, habitual or vexatious complaints or challenges. 


Space to Talk expects any complainant to be polite and courteous. It will not tolerate aggressive, abusive or unreasonable behaviour or demands.

How to make a complaint

Written complaints


Written complaints about Space to Talk can be emailed to :


Alternatively, they can be posted to:

4A Park Street


NN12 6DQ


Verbal complaints


To make a verbal complaint, please call Space to Talk on 07768 626469.


Stage One


In many cases, a complaint is best resolved by the person responsible for the issue being complained about. If the complaint has been received by that person, s/he may be able to resolve it quickly and should do so if possible and appropriate.


Regardless of whether the complaint has been resolved, the complaint information should be passed to a Space to Talk Manager within two working days. On receiving the complaint, the Manager will record it in the Complaints Logbook. If it has not already been resolved, s/he will investigate the complaint and take appropriate action.


If the complaint relates to a specific person, s/he will be informed and given the opportunity to respond.


The Manager will acknowledge complaints within four working days.


The acknowledgement will say who is dealing with the complaint and when the complainant may expect a reply. A copy of this complaints procedure will be attached.


Ideally complainants should receive a definitive reply within 10 working days. If this is not possible because an investigation has not been completed, a progress report will be sent to the complainant with an indication of when s/he may expect to receive a full reply.


Regardless of whether the complaint is found to be valid or not, the reply to the complainant will describe the action taken to investigate the complaint, the conclusions from the investigation, and any action taken as a result of the complaint.


Stage Two


If the complainant feels that the problem has not been satisfactorily resolved at Stage One, s/he can request that the complaint be reviewed at Trustee level.


At this stage, the complainant should forward his/her complaint to the Chair of theTrustees. The Chair will acknowledge the request within five working days of receiving it. The acknowledgement will say who will deal with the case and when the complainant may expect a reply.


The Chair of the Trustees may investigate the case or delegate another Trustee to do so (where there is no conflict of interest). This will involve reviewing the paperwork of the case and speaking with the person who dealt with the complaint at Stage One. The person who dealt with the original complaint at Stage One will be kept informed of developments.


If the complaint relates to a specific person, s/he should be informed and given a further opportunity to respond.


Ideally complainants should receive a definitive reply within a month. If this is not possible

because the review has not been fully completed, a progress report will be sent

with an indication of when a full reply will be given.


Regardless of whether the complaint is upheld or not, the reply to the complainant will describe the action taken to investigate the complaint, the conclusions from the investigation, and any action taken as a result of the complaint.


The decision taken at this stage is final, unless the Trustees decide it is appropriate to obtain external assistance to resolve the issue.


Regulator of Community Interest Companies 

If the complainant is not happy with the outcome of the Trustee’s review of their complaint, s/he can complain to the Regulator of Community Interest Companies . Further details are available at:


​Fundraising Regulator


If the complainant is not happy with the outcome of the Board’s review of their complaint, and the complaint relates to fundraising, s/he can complain to the Fundraising Regulator . Further details are available at:​



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